CompanyOn Client’s Route Map

Clients’ visit route map

In addition to the ability to access google maps directly from your CompanyOn calendar to get directions to your next visit, we are happy to share two new features on CompanyOn Maps that help our mobile practitioners see the geographical location of their clients and the route to follow for every visit ahead of time. 

Let’s show you how it works.

There are two versions of CompanyOn maps. One provides a picture of where all your clients are located.

Email Notification

And the second version, provides you with the exact route of your visit for each day. Helping you know exactly each location so that you know how far away one visit is from the next one chronologically, and plan your day ahead.

You can even access your client's file directly from the map, bringing convenience and simplicity to your everyday work activities.

You can access the route map via the calendar and dashboard and the map with the overall geographical location of all your clients via the patient module.

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Confirmation & Cancelation of Appointments

Confirmation & Cancelation of appointments online Feature

This feature allows your client to either confirm or cancel an appointment when as part of reminders sent electronically.

Let’s show you how it works.

Everytime a reminder of an appointment is sent by the platform as scheduled by the practitioner, in the email or text the client receives, an option to confirm or cancel their appointment is now included.

When a client clicks on the confirm tab, the platform will acknowledge that action, but will not notify the practitioner since no changes to the appointment were made. When the client does cancel an appointment, a window like the one below will ask them the reason for the cancellation.

Once submitted, the practitioner will receive a notification via email that an appointment has been cancelled and the appointment will show as cancelled (red colour) in the calendar.

Appointment message
appointment cancelled

That's it! The goal with this new feature, is to improve how your clients communicate with you in real time regarding their care.

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How to set up third parties to invoice:

How to set up third parties to invoice

This feature allows you to assign invoices to a party other than your client. It is a perfect solution when your services need to be charged to a facility or someone other than your client.

Let’s show you how it works.

First go to your client’s profile and click on assign invoice to. You will be able to choose between a guardian or a contact.

Complete their contact information and if needed add any notes.

Once the information is added, both invoices and receipts will reflect the third party information in addition to the description of your services and the name of the client.

That's is it!

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How to re-issue an invoice

How to re-issue an invoice and reverse a payment

This feature allows you to annul a receipt issued by mistake and re-issue the respective invoice. This is a perfect solution to when a payment was tracked by mistake, either because the method of payment was wrong or the transaction never took place

Let’s show you how it works.

Go to the payment module in your Companyon account. Select the payment you want to reverse and click on the delete icon. This action will automatically reissue the invoice.

Next, head to the invoice module. Find the invoice that was reissued and you can now reprocess the payment.

Note that a notice stating that the first receipt issued had been annulled. Providing transparency to your practice and accounting reports

That's is it!

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