Transparencia y acceso a la información pública

Aquí encontrarás la información de la Alcaldía de Cali que de acuerdo a la Ley de Transparencia se debe publicar. También, podrás conocer los instrumentos para la observación a la gestión pública e información clara sobre los contratos más relevantes de ciudad, para que puedas realizar seguimiento a la gestión pública. Por último, hallarás una guía sobre cómo puedes radicar denuncias sobre presuntos hechos de corrupción. Con estas herramientas buscamos promover la corresponsabilidad en el cuidado de los recursos públicos, recuerda: ¡Tú eres la clave de la transparencia!


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In luctus aliquam nibh a pretium. Morbi auctor a mauris ac accumsan.

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In luctus aliquam nibh a pretium. Morbi auctor a mauris ac accumsan.

SEO Consulting

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SEO Strategy

In luctus aliquam nibh a pretium. Morbi auctor a mauris ac accumsan.

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Suspendisse sit amet metus sem. Phasellus porttitor porttitor augue, at pretium eros feugiat sed. Phasellus egestas ante tortor, ac semper purus laoreet eget. Cras et porta risus, vitae posuere tortor.

Integer justo enim, condimentum et facilisis sit amet, euismod non sem. Nulla sollicitudin, neque sit amet elementum euismod, turpis est pellentesque elit, ut porta arcu magna sodales dolor. Fusce non bibendum dui.

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Curabitur placerat leo leo, id ultrices libero tincidunt a. Vestibulum turpis quam, condimentum a pellentesque ac, feugiat sed risus. Donec vitae est sapien. Nullam pharetra scelerisque fermentum. Nullam sollicitudin suscipit nisi.

Eget semper sem pharetra id. Nam vitae vehicula turpis, vitae consequat urna. Quisque gravida mi ante, nec blandit massa rhoncus eu. Fusce quis hendrerit felis.


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Morbi non ligula diam. Duis ut dolor sodales, fermentum ipsum a, cursus leo. Morbi semper sem ut mauris tincidunt pulvinar. Fusce ut facilisis lacus. Morbi non ligula diam. Duis ut dolor sodales, fermentum ipsum a, cursus leo. Morbi semper sem ut mauris tincidunt pulvinar. Fusce ut facilisis lacus.

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Proin maximus viverra elit. Vivamus vehicula arcu sed nibh vestibulum lacinia. Fusce vitae viverra risus. Mauris molestie vitae erat quis interdum.

Aliquam euismod massa est?

Etiam in turpis auctor, dignissim tellus eu, molestie elit. Nam dapibus vitae lacus non sodales. Phasellus pretium quam vitae dui viverra placerat. 

Praesent id purus id metus pretium?

Proin maximus viverra elit. Vivamus vehicula arcu sed nibh vestibulum lacinia. Fusce vitae viverra risus. Mauris molestie vitae erat quis interdum.

Sed at metus lacinia, aliquet arcu porttitor?

Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam euismod massa est, sed fermentum nunc scelerisque vitae. Duis rhoncus scelerisque aliquet. Duis vehicula nunc a elementum facilisis. Etiam in turpis auctor, dignissim tellus eu, molestie elit. Nam dapibus vitae lacus non sodales. Phasellus pretium quam vitae dui viverra placerat. Nulla quis justo eget odio elementum porta non ac nisi. Fusce quis ultrices eros, in commodo dolor.

Duis rhoncus scelerisque aliquet?

Proin maximus viverra elit. Vivamus vehicula arcu sed nibh vestibulum lacinia. Fusce vitae viverra risus. Mauris molestie vitae erat quis interd

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Curabitur placerat leo leo, id ultrices


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam sodales lacus a diam efficitur dignissim. Aliquam sollicitudin libero sit amet dui porta venenatis. Pellentesque ultrices nulla et finibus tempor.

Tamim Shaharia

Lead Developer, Focal Inc

Our Blog

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How to Optimize EHR Documentation for Better Patient Outcomes

How to Optimize EHR Documentation for Better Patient Outcomes

In today’s digital age, Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have become an integral part of the healthcare industry.In this blog, we will discuss how to optimize EHR documentation to improve patient outcomes. We will explore best practices, tools, and techniques that healthcare professionals can use to streamline documentation processes and make the most of EHR technology.

The Cost of No-shows and Late Cancelations: How to Prevent them

The Cost of No-shows and Late Cancelations: How to Prevent them

No-shows and late cancelations can prove costly to your practice — not only in terms of wasted time and cost, but also in missed revenue. You know how hard it is to keep a patient who does not show up for appointments or cancel at the last minute and the overall effect on the management of your business

Best Practices for the Financial Experience Between Clients and Providers

Best Practices for the Financial Experience Between Clients and Providers

The client’s financial experience is the process of making sure that patients have all the information they need to make informed decisions about how they will pay for the care they receive. Offering clients a financial experience that is positive, easy to understand, and reflects their unique needs is critical to the long-term success of your business.

Health & Safety: What’s in Your First Aid Kit?

Health & Safety: What’s in Your First Aid Kit?

As a business owner, you’re responsible for providing first aid at your workplace when incidents happen. Whether minor or major injury occurs, have appropriate first aid equipment, supplies and attendants readily available that meet the needs of your worksite.

Health & Safety: What do I do After a Staff Member Gets Hurt at Work?

Health & Safety: What do I do After a Staff Member Gets Hurt at Work?

As the owner of your business busy with maintaining quality patient care, the last thing you want to have to deal with is a workplace incident. When workplace incidents happen, they can lead to injury, illness, or damage. The associated costs can be substantial for the injured worker, their families, co-workers and the business.

Why Patient Empowerment Is Important for your Business

Why Patient Empowerment Is Important for your Business

As a healthcare provider, it’s vital to focus on patient empowerment strategies that will allow you to distinguish your practice from others and ultimately make your practice more successful. In this article, we’ll discuss how you can leverage patient empowerment strategies for success.

Scheduling Tips to Better Manage Your Time.

Scheduling Tips to Better Manage Your Time.

As a solo practitioner, time is your most valuable asset — and one you can never get back. But it’s important to make sure that you aren’t wasting time on unnecessarily menial tasks. If you’re looking for ways to improve your productivity, here are some tips on how CompanyOn’s booking management app organizes and frees up time so you can focus on more important things.

How to Reduce Wait Times in Your Practice

How to Reduce Wait Times in Your Practice

Patients are beginning to expect greater convenience and efficiency when it comes to their healthcare, especially when it comes to wait times. It’s no surprise, then, that a growing number of practices are turning towards online patient forms.

4 Best Practice Tips for Patient Care: The Pre-Visit

4 Best Practice Tips for Patient Care: The Pre-Visit

When caring for clients, healthcare providers and their private practice play a major role in making sure such an experience is successful even prior to a client is seen. It is the healthcare provider’s responsibility to support and remove any barriers whenever clients are accessing services.

5 Proven Billing Tactics to Get Paid Faster

5 Proven Billing Tactics to Get Paid Faster

   Getting paid is an essential part of any business.  Many private practices know that their billing process absorbs valuable time. But because it still needs to get done, they can fall into the habit of treating it as a necessary evil—the task that takes...

8 Miscellaneous Business Operating Expenses You Can Deduct for tax purposes

As a small business owner, it’s important to understand the ways you can take advantage of tax breaks and deductions to reduce your tax liability. You’ll want to keep good records and don’t be afraid to ask for help from experts when you don’t know how to file your taxes. When you think of business expenses, the most common ones are rent, internet, utilities, and insurance, but there are countless examples of miscellaneous expenses that can be written-off as well.

Five Ways to build a More Productive Practice.

Five Ways to build a More Productive Practice.

Providing excellent client care is a large part of running a successful business, but there’s also a lot of other factors that go into it. We’ve designed these productivity steps to help you create a practice that gets more done in less time, with less stress.

Are You Safeguarding Your Client’s Information as Required?

Are You Safeguarding Your Client’s Information as Required?

Let’s assume that you have been documenting all patient records on paper and now want to change to paper-free.
Your question might be:
I have been using paper charting for my independent practice, but I’m considering going paper-free and using electronic charting Is this allowed?

Inspiring Trust: 5 ways to Keep Clients Loyal.

Inspiring Trust: 5 ways to Keep Clients Loyal.

Loyal clients are one of your most valuable assets
Ongoing care of an existing client is much more efficient than chasing down new clients. Loyal clients and their loyal families will lead to more work by word of mouth referrals. In fact, the more clients you obtain by referral, the smaller your marketing budget can be.

Tender Foot

Tender Foot

Tender Foot & CompanyOn: A Transformational Journey "Tender Foot's mission is to provide the best possible care while accommodating everyone’s needs and budget."Tender Foot Story Founded in 2014, Tender Foot started as a sole proprietorship with a humble mission:...

Let's Work Together!

Ut porttitor imperdiet hendrerit. Suspendisse pulvinar lacus nec sollicitudin finibus ligula quam bibendum dui, maximus ornare ex nulla ut lacus.


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