CompanyOn Client’s Route Map

Clients’ visit route map

In addition to the ability to access google maps directly from your CompanyOn calendar to get directions to your next visit, we are happy to share two new features on CompanyOn Maps that help our mobile practitioners see the geographical location of their clients and the route to follow for every visit ahead of time. 

Let’s show you how it works.

There are two versions of CompanyOn maps. One provides a picture of where all your clients are located.

Email Notification

And the second version, provides you with the exact route of your visit for each day. Helping you know exactly each location so that you know how far away one visit is from the next one chronologically, and plan your day ahead.

You can even access your client's file directly from the map, bringing convenience and simplicity to your everyday work activities.

You can access the route map via the calendar and dashboard and the map with the overall geographical location of all your clients via the patient module.

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Confirmation & Cancelation of Appointments

Confirmation & Cancelation of appointments online Feature

This feature allows your client to either confirm or cancel an appointment when as part of reminders sent electronically.

Let’s show you how it works.

Everytime a reminder of an appointment is sent by the platform as scheduled by the practitioner, in the email or text the client receives, an option to confirm or cancel their appointment is now included.

When a client clicks on the confirm tab, the platform will acknowledge that action, but will not notify the practitioner since no changes to the appointment were made. When the client does cancel an appointment, a window like the one below will ask them the reason for the cancellation.

Once submitted, the practitioner will receive a notification via email that an appointment has been cancelled and the appointment will show as cancelled (red colour) in the calendar.

Appointment message
appointment cancelled

That's it! The goal with this new feature, is to improve how your clients communicate with you in real time regarding their care.

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4 Best Practice Tips for Patient Care: The Pre-Visit

4 Best Practice Tips for Patient Care at The Pre-Visit Stage

When caring for clients, healthcare providers and their private practice play a major role in ensuring the patient care experience is successful even before a client is seen.



Patient Care Best Practice

It is the healthcare provider’s responsibility to support and remove any barriers whenever clients are accessing services.

But what makes patient care a successful experience?

Interestingly enough, success happens not only when the client has a positive experience, but also the private practice in itself. Properly pre-screening and empowering clients to access services on their own, reduce overall care and operational costs, increase process efficiency, facilitate better clinical decision making, ensure regulatory compliance, and foster business growth and long-term financial viability.

It is important that as healthcare providers we view our private practice as meeting the needs of our clients at all stages of their journey as well.

The pre-visit screening stage is a time when healthcare providers are working to lessen any barriers to client access, set the stage for streamlining and simplifying as many of the activities that occur during this timeframe as possible, including:

  • Enabling self-service access (i.e online booking, online intake, and consent forms)
  • Determining patient financial responsibility
  • Securing patient payments
  • Accessing services quickly

Let’s make it easy for your patients. When they receive service within your practice it should be just as easy and convenient as possible. Patients need to feel comfortable as if they’re not in unfamiliar territory. Processes should be easy and convenient, not complicated. Patients shouldn’t have to spend time figuring out instructions.

What processes have you created within your practice that are aligned with the needs and better experience for your clients?

CompanyOn Online Services allows you to not only offer online booking services and online payments but also send online forms to new and existing patients by text message or email. Patient intake, medical history, authorization, and consent forms are a few clicks away.

To learn more, please click here.

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CompanyOn Product Feature

Welcome to CompanyOn’s Product Retail Feature

This feature allows you to add and list products on your CompanyOn account, making it easier to offer and billing products as part of your services. Products can be billed together with your current services or separately.

Let’s show you how it works.

Head to your product module and click on create product

Next, add the information needed for each product you want to offer. You can add a serial #, a photo of the product, taxes, inventory, shipping and more. click "save" next.

Make sure to set up the percentage for each tax in advance via the admin module.

Admin Module taxes

All products will be listed in the product's directory. You will be able to edit a product by clicking on it or deactivate it by clicking on the "X" icon to the right.

Product list

Once a product is created, you will be able to add it as part of your invoices, add shipping fees if apply and bill together with other services you offer or independently .

Billing Prodcuts

You will be able to offer and bill products online as well via your CompanyOn Services Landing Page. To access the page, click on the subdomain you have created within your clinic's profile info.

Retail feature

Once a customer buys a product from your online store, a notification will be sent to you directly to your account .

Product online store Notification

Every order will then be recorded in the "Orders" module for you to process and deliver.

CompanyOn Product Order

That's it!

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For frree

Focus on  growing your practice instead of dealing  with day  to day  chaos of your  (manually run) processes.